Tuesday, December 16, 2014


all day I was thinking "yes yes yes tonight I get my Beets" all day that is what I was thinking and I had to wate to 6:00pm the get Beets than 6 O'clock yes I get the black Solo yes just if they where studio.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


im going to a party and the only thing to do there was play tag so I join a game of tag and I just like to scare people playing so first a kid named max comes in I yell "HI" than he screems so loud and im like its just a joke.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Grammer Team Puzzle 2

Sixteen children / and young people / were stricken with the mysterious fever, / and none of the fimeler reminder / seened to be of any benefit.

The next day after school, / jess went down / and got the lumber he needed, / carrying it a copple of bords at time / to the creek bank.

Grammer Puzzle Ryan L, John N 1

But even as that thought touched
his mind
he knew
that for him
only the shadow
and none of the substance
that had bred him
nor any hope of such
to drift home
and without any stake in the country
would be

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Thanks people that voted for me (Blogger of weak)

thank you for voting for me on the blogger of the weak I like being famus and it is hard the wright 5/7 days a weak and it is hard mostly with a brother because they jump, bite, pintch, steal, break stuff, and mostly using you laptop or ipad and there like he made like the brightness down all the way in  botten conner.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Chair

There I was spying on my brother than he is leaning back in his chair and I yell "FAIL!" he falls back hits the wall and I hear at loud "BANG!!!" than I run up to my room and my brother was trying to kick me hard he goes in my room and I'm hiding behind the door and I kick him than I run I take me shoes put them on and run outside and this is my brother reaction "?".

Sunday, December 7, 2014

the nothing weak end

this weakend I did nothing besides getting new shoes and my new shoes are awesome I run very fast whereing then they look cool but also at that time my brother wanted a soccer thing and where there for 45 minuts looking for a soccer thing or at least he was all he said was "soccer".

Thursday, December 4, 2014


YES 3:20 SCHOOL OVER!  it was awesome a barge out the door yea I have tenis tonight I go and wow of corce im late again wow warm ups yes I did not miss a thing dang it I im so bad the 1st hour 2nd hour play like a boss!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

lissning to my brother go bah bah bah

"bah bah bah" my brother says and as always I yell "shut you big fat mouth" this is every day after school so I put on my ear buds and turn on music "yes, good" I think all I can hear Music. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Mad Man

There is a mad man let just call his "Applepep" so as we go on Applepep is from Apple vill and every one is a Apple just like Applepep his friend Appleson and so as we go on again Applepep HATES Narwhale Vill but Narwhale vill always wins the fight there horns are rockets!