Thursday, June 4, 2015

Wonder Lit Essay Video

Part 1                                                                      

  Part 2

Monday, May 18, 2015


So this weakened I was board so a asked Daniel X is he wanted to come over and he said ok 2:30 to 4:00 pm and he came over and all we did is eat, talk, watch tv, play Blokes, and play are iPads.

Monday, April 27, 2015


I was at my house and I went bowling with friend and then I saw the some one on the joberts team was there I was Megan and I was thinking why was Megan there and I went to the arcade when it was not my turn and I wound always get 9/10 pins to fall!

Monday, February 23, 2015

How I broke my wrist

There I was is my moms car going to Beverly Hills is me my brother and 3 of my brothers friends there we are is run to the hills and I am the first one to get there there is 2 sides I make my own path with a huge ramp I go down oww I yell I landed on my wrist it kills.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Wonder essay lot

I think that in wonder Auggie is at first home schooled.  Than Auggie is going to a real school.  There is this kid named Julien.  He is being very mean to Auggie than Jack and Charlet are telling Julien to stop.  Julien dose stop and Jack and Charlet are saying "Auggie can I be your friend".  Than Auggie knows Jack is going to be a good friend so he says "ok" to Jack.  He knows Charlet will always have his back so to Charlet he says "ok".  Don't treet people by there Face. (8)

In the story Auggie and Jack are walking down the stares and a huge 8th greader zomes down the stares.  Kocks Auggie and he falls back and the 8th greader sayer "sorry".  Helps Auggie up and gose like "WHOH!!!!!".  Auggie and Jack where laphing so hard.  Auggie did not care that the 8th greader sayed "WHOH" at his face. (5)

Also in the story Jack and Auggie where walking in the woods first Auggie needs it go to the bathroom.  So Auggie gose farther is the woods.  Auggie gose to the bathroom and than walks out of the deep woods and than Jack has to go to the bathroom.  So Jack walks way farther than Auggie gose to the bathroom walks out than some older kids come.  Start to pick on Auggie and Jack and than out of no where Amis runs in and hits the leader of the older kids he takes his head.  Rams right in to him and one of the older kids is saying the older kids "STOP, STOP" and a big fight started Auggies hearing ads fell out and there where running away.  Than Miles and Herny ran in and started fighting the older kids and than thy all start running away. (7)   

By the end of the story.   There was a aword sarmonynd people names are getting called for a aword and Summers name gets called and Auggie yells "YEA SUMMER".  Then for the three people with hightst grades Auggie was called up.  lots of people where cheering. Than after augie and jack are in for a pic.  Than charlet says can I get is the pic thay say yes and lot and lots of people join in and than at the pic and than the entire school joins in the pic entel nowore is left out of the pic.

I think Wonder was a awesome book at first Auggie was affarid of going the school.  He was scared thinking that he was going to be the school joke and not a person.  But school went out very well for Auggie  and he was not a joke just some people take a dubble look at him. Auggie dose not care that people are now making fun of him because as long as people 
Know well 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Lit essay wonder

In the story Auggie and Jack are walking down the stares and a huge 8th greader zomes down the stares.  Kocks Auggie and he falls back and the 8th greader sayer "sorry".  Helps Auggie up and gose like "WHOH!!!!!".  Auggie and Jack where laphing so hard.  Auggie did not care that the 8th greader sayed "WHOH" at his face.

Also in the story Jack and Auggie where walking in the woods first Auggie needs it go to the bathroom.  So Auggie gose farther is the woods.  Auggie gose to the bathroom and than walks out of the deep woods and than Jack has to go to the bathroom.  So Jack walks way farther than Auggie gose to the bathroom walks out than some older kids come.  Start to pick on Auggie and Jack and than out of no where Amis runs in and hits the leader of the older kids he takes his head.  Rams right in to him and one of the older kids is saying the older kids "STOP, STOP" and a big fight started Auggies hearing ads fell out and there where running away.  Than Miles and Herny ran in and started fighting the older kids and than thy all start running away.

By the end of the story There was a aword sarmonynd people names are getting called for a aword and Summers name gets called and Auggie yells "YEA SUMMER".  Then for the three people with hightst grades Auggie was called up.  lots of people where cheering.  At the very end of the award  ceremony there was a huge pic first just auggie and jack and then charlet asks to join the pic and a aggie and jack say ok and then lots of other people keep packing and joining and auggie and jack keep saying yes and the kids parents keeptaking more and more pic Intel every one in there grade is in the pic 

I think wonder was  a awesome book at first Auggie was affarid of going the school and he was scared thinking that he was going to be the school joke and not a person.  But school went out very well for Auggie  and he was not a joke just some people take a dubble look at him.

Friday, January 30, 2015

wonder lit essay 2

What I did today found some pics

 I think that in wonder Auggie is at first home schooled(Home school).  Than Auggie is going to a real school(real school). There is this kid named Julien(mean kid).  He is being very mean to Auggie than Jack and Charlet are telling Julien to stop(stop).  Julien dose stop and Jack and Charlet are saying "Auggie can I be your friend".  Than Auggie knows Jack is going to be a good friend so he says "ok" to Jack(friends)  He knows Charlet will always have his back so to Charlet he says "ok".  Don't treet people by there Face. (8)(say yes)

In the story Auggie and Jack are walking down the stares and a huge 8th greader zomes down the stares(stares).  Kocks Auggie and he falls back and the 8th greader sayer "sorry"(sorry).  Helps Auggie up and gose like "WHOH!!!!!"(whoh).  Auggie and Jack where laphing so hard(laphing).  Auggie did not care that the 8th greader sayed "WHOH" at his face(some one yelling whoh). (5)

Also in the story Jack and Auggie where walking in the woods(2 people walking) first Auggie needs it go to the bathroom(toylet).  So Auggie gose farther is the woods(woods).  Auggie gose to the bathroom and than walks(I person walking) out of the deep woods and than Jack has to go to the bathroom(walking bye).  So Jack walks way farther than Auggie gose(walking far) to the bathroom walks out than some older kids come(deep woods).  Start to pick on Auggie and Jack(bully) and than out of no where Amis runs in and hits the leader of the older kids he takes his head(meen older kids).  Rams right in to him and one of the older kids is saying the older kids "STOP, STOP" and a big fight started Auggies hearing ads fell out and there where running away(running away).  Than Miles and Herny ran in and started fighting the older kids (run)and than thy all start running away(help). (7)  

By the end of the story.   There was a aword sarmonynd people names are getting called for a aword and Summers name gets called and Auggie yells "YEA SUMMER"(awords).  Then for the three people with hightst grades Auggie was called up(your up).  lots of people where cheering(cheering). Than after augie and jack are in for a pic(2 people pic).  Than charlet says can I get is the pic thay say yes and lot and lots of people join in and than at the pic and than the entire school joins in the pic entel nowore is left out of the pic(school pic).

I think Wonder was a awesome book at first Auggie was affarid of going the school(school).  He was scared thinking that he was going to be the school joke and not a person(people laphing).  But school went out very well for Auggie  and he was not a joke just some people take a dubble look at him. Auggie dose not care that people are now making fun of him because as long as people(people).
Friends that will try to stop the bullying him but now auggie fits in with every oneellse and now won't get picked on Auggie will always have friends

Friday, January 16, 2015

Littary Eassy Smile

In the book Smile reani is running trips knowcks one tooth out.  A nother gets jamed up in hear gum.  That night he goes to a dentest and the dentest puts the tooth that fell out back in.  Pulled the other tooth down.  Back in to place and she also gets braces that night.  She has a cold/hot pack on here mouth all next day and her little sister is making fun of her so reani get to pick out a video game.  Her sister does not reani is playing it all day.  Her little sister is yelling "MOM REANI IS NOT TAKING TURNS" so hear mom says "let reani play her teath heart and this makes her happy let her play it all day" and her sister is very upset.  And she is just like AWESOME this can do this what this is cool thing is a bomb.  And than in high school her friend start making fun of her than she gets a new friend and her new friend has lots of friends and than Reani gets a lot of friend and they love art.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

take cover

this is a make bilive story

there is a kid 11 years old his name is billy and billy is in a snow ball fight with two friends jack and mop.  mop throws lots of snow balls destroys billys and jacks bace billy throves a snow ball at mop hits his falls back and destroys is own bace and mop is out jack sneek attacks billy miss billy quickly makes a snow ball and BOOM jack get hit game over billy WINS.

Monday, January 12, 2015


1. What Grade Are You In
2. Do You Like School
3. Do You Like Math
4. Do You Like L.A.
5. Do You Like Science
6. On a scale of 1=Love 10=I will die if I do this, Homework
7. On a scale of 1=Love 10=I will die if I do this, going to school
8. if you can skip 1 weak of school every 1 month will you do it
9. do you have a brother and sister
10. On a scale of 1=Love 10=I will die if I do this, are they annoying
11. Whats 9 + 10

Friday, January 9, 2015

Chucking to inatate 2

Frying his body all day, Jacob Johnson got a horrible sunburn by afternoon because the cheep suntan lotion from his brother became a thin liquid and dripped into the sand.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Literary Essay Wonder

I think that in wonder Auggie is at first home schooled.  Than Auggie is going to a real school.  There is this kid named Julien.  He is being very mean to Auggie than Jack and Charlet are telling Julien to stop.  Julien dose stop and Jack and Charlet are saying "Auggie can I be your friend".  Than Auggie knows Jack is going to be a good friend so he says "ok" to Jack.  He knows Charlet will always have his back so to Charlet he says "ok".  Don't treet people by there Face.

In the story Auggie and Jack are walking down the stares and a huge 8th greader zomes down the stares.  Kocks Auggie and he falls back and the 8th greader sayer "sorry".  Helps Auggie up and gose like "WHOH!!!!!".  Auggie and Jack where laphing so hard.  Auggie did not care that the 8th greader sayed "WHOH" at his face.

Also in the story Jack and Auggie where walking in the woods first Auggie needs it go to the bathroom.  So Auggie gose farther is the woods.  Auggie gose to the bathroom and than walks out of the deep woods and than Jack has to go to the bathroom.  So Jack walks way farther than Auggie gose to the bathroom walks out than some older kids come.  Start to pick on Auggie and Jack and than out of no where Amis runs in and hits the leader of the older kids he takes his head.  Rams right in to him and one of the older kids is saying the older kids "STOP, STOP" and a big fight started Auggies hearing ads fell out and there where running away.  Than Miles and Herny ran in and started fighting the older kids and than thy all start running away.

By the end of the story There was a aword sarmonynd people names are getting called for a aword and Summers name gets called and Auggie yells "YEA SUMMER".  Then for the three people with hightst grades Auggie was called up.  lots of people where cheering.

I think Wonder was a awesome book at first Auggie was affarid of going the school and he was scared thinking that he was going to be the school joke and not a person.  But school went out very well for Auggie  and he was not a joke just some people take a dubble look at him.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Yes, in st. martin i got to go jet sking at first I'm like i am not going and than i saw people flip and at that instant i thing i want to do that and i go on the jet ski and my brother is on a different one and i did half a flip and smacked the water.